The Foundation offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution.
Provides grants to grassroots organizations worldwide that combine protecting the environment, promoting cultural diversity, empowering people to meet their basic needs, and relying on volunteer efforts.
Boone, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago counties. Describes donor services and grant application areas, with annual report and newsletter.
A global MBA student business plan competition for social ventures, organizations that not only create profits, but also a social or environmental return on investment. History and vision, submission forms, and resource library included.
For issues related to older people in the US. Contains information about types of projects funded, news and publications.
Located near Washington, D.C. Purpose is to restore, maintain, and extend our heritage of people making peoples’ lives more meaningful. ‘We have the resources and industry experience to give you a sustainable advantage in setting up your foundation.’
Administers individual funds contributed or bequeathed to it by individuals, corporations, foundations, and other sources. The majority of these funds are held in a permanent fund used to enrich and enhance the quality of life in Montgomery County in perpetuity.
Educating the national community to the dangers of family violence, and funding support groups.
Information about the organization and its educational grant opportunities.
A public foundation that supports grassroots organizations in which low-income people are rebuilding their communities and changing the conditions that perpetuate poverty.