Programs in law, activities of women and minorities, and in youth leadership. Presents annual reports and strategic direction. [English/Serbian]
Devoted to the support of low cost or free spay/neuter clinics. Provides FAQs, grant application, and program details.
Interests include children, health education, and health care.
A permanent endowment of charitable funds dedicated to improving the human condition in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, California
Illinois. Describes grant programs focused on Elgin and on the state, with history of the organization.
Funds nonprofits and schools helping the at-risk and under-served youth of Puget Sound, Washington. Describes funding criteria and lists past recipients.
New York. A tax-exempt public charity made up of funds that have been established by individuals, families and businesses.
Phillipines. Offers capacity building, networking, and research. Lists publications, board members, and advisors, with overviews of new members and membership process.
The Foundation only supports individuals. It does not make grants to institutions or organizations.
Supports African American community revitalization, education, and leadership development. Gives application guidelines and list of former grantees.