Provides scholarships for girls in developing countries to attend primary, junior high and high school.
Addressing issues of water use, work and economic opportunity women’s welfare, and spiritual well-being. Lists recipients and community influences.
A private, not-for-profit philanthropy promoting the development of communications industries that address public needs. Programs in three different areas: Policy for a Networked Society, Interactive Media for Children, and Information Technologies for Better Health.
A philanthropic organization founded for the purpose of helping underprivileged students in underdeveloped countries obtain a secular college education in their home countries through direct involvement between a sponsor/mentor and a student.
A community foundation facilitating charitable giving in the greater Omaha area by creating permanent endowment funds with assets from donors who use the earned investment interest for grants and scholarships.
Focuses on government policy and politics. Includes grant guidelines and an overview of the review process.
Makes grants to nonprofits promoting equality for women and girls and creates partnerships with donors on issues such as health, education, anti-violence, and poverty.
Works in the areas of developing policy solutions, informing the public, and supporting civic life. Provides detailed funding guidelines, as well as results of research, selected news items, and career opportunities.
Private foundation dedicated to improving health and healthcare for Americans. Details on grant applications, information on grantees, and reports on the results of funded programs as well as Foundation press releases, publications and reports.
Provides comprehensive scholarships and support services to minority students enrolled at institutions of higher education.