A private foundation raising funds through venture philanthropy to support innovative research and exceptional treatment options for catastrophic diseases, especially blood and bone marrow cancers.
Seeks to give every person and nonprofit organization in Lincoln the opportunity to become involved in long-term community betterment by supporting their favorite charities well beyond the next generation.
Grantmaking areas include education, arts and culture, and civic and community service.
Baltimore-based, supports organizations helping under-served segments of society. Gives board members and offers suggestions for proposals.
Funds projects for children in developing countries. Gives profiles of current projects, and information on how to donate.
A growing, community-supported, nonprofit endowment of resources for the betterment of the Hilton Head, SC community.
Monroeville and Pitcairn, Pennsylvania. Supports innovative educational projects. Describes grant opportunities and programs.
A partnership of donors, grantees, volunteers and staff working to support programs for women and girls. Grantmaking, events calendar, special initiatives and issue areas discussed.
Financial assistance to families with teenagers participating in cognitive education programs.