Serving Glendale, La Crescenta, La Ca?ada Flintridge, Montrose, and Verdugo City, California. Includes recent projects, list of board and staff members.
Funds environmental organizations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, western Montana (including the Rocky Mountain range), and coastal Alaska from Cook Inlet to the Canadian border. Describes application process, and lists previous grantees.
Charitable contributions and collaborations in areas including education, health and human services, science, and arts and culture.
Membership organization provides resources for running and for starting a community foundation. Also includes directory of members. [English/French]
Information about programs to fight hunger and to provide education and scholarships, founded by philanthropist and humanitarian Alan Shawn Feinstein.
Presents study opportunities in both countries, as well as information on symposia and alumni and list of sponsors.
Administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for university-college faculty and for professionals. Describes specific programs, with country and application information.
Areas funded include education and international development. Includes complete guidelines for both grants and the Carnegie Corporation Scholars program.
A network of trustees and staff of public and private foundations, as well as individual donors, who practice global social change philanthropy. Offers advice for grant and seekers, as well as publications and training opportunities.
Lists staff and board members, with news, current grantees, and academic counseling information. [English/Danish]